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100 results found

  1. A report that can be generated alongside the parent report to send out with statutory data on for individual children.
    It would be useful if the report included their results and national averages for that year.

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  2. The ability to select all strands in a subject at once rather than each individual one.

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  3. A function to sort objectives by level of ARE code (ability) to help support planning

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  4. To be able to print the summative report so that all the areas of learning are along the top columns and the children's names are down the first column. This would allow practitioners to track pupils' GLD more easily.
    AT the moment only the first five areas are shown on the PDF

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  5. To be able to upload a school logo to be included in each individual report so that I don't have to add this to each report manually or create a cover page.

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  6. Ability to sort by surname not forename in reports. I am so surprised this functionality is not already there. In order of forename is simply not practical in year groups with 90 children. There is not even the workaround to export to excel as it is PDF only.

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  7. The ability to highlight pupils' names to identify them as (for example) PP, EAL, SEN etc.
    This provides a quick and clear way to show how these key groups are distributed across attainment and progress tables. It is particularly effective when used without names for governors' reports.
    We have this function in Target Tracker where names can be in bold, underlined or in italics.

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  8. When school creates their own Group they would like to be able to run a report and not only filter for the group as they can currently but to exclude that group from the rest of the children. This can be done in OTrack

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  9. To be able to filter pupils based on prior statutory attainment. For example to be able to filter by which children achieved GLD, passed the Phonics check etc.
    It is useful for schools to be able to track these key groups through the school.
    This can only be done currently by making a pupil group which is static and time-consuming to create and manage.

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  10. A number of schools have previously asked for the option of having Two Factor Authentication when logging into their Juniper Products inc. Sonar Tracker

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  11. Where schools have test data, such as GL scores, this would be time consuming to add manually to Sonar. It would be far more usable if we could import this from another format such as a spreadsheet.

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  12. It would be useful to be able to select an individual child when looking at reports. This would be especially helpful for EYFS settings who cannot use the Single Pupil Overview. Although this can be done by creating a group with a single child in, this isn't practical for large numbers of pupils.

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  13. When a school has alot of mobility they need an easy way to exclude particular children from a report. Sometimes using entry date works well but for children that leave and come back, this is not useful as the original admission date is recorded in Sonar, rather than the restored date.
    In OTRack and TT there is an easy quick way to filter a report and exclude 3/4 pupils (and swap selection is useful here too).

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  14. Report which allows comparison of summative data for 'core' pupils who have been with the school since Reception compared to those that have joined part way through school

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  15. It would be helpful if the main admin of the school could add/edit their own school tests to 'other curriculum subjects'. This would allow schools to add, remove and reorder as required without having to email.

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  16. To customise summative reports so they can be broken it down into the smaller steps e.g w and w+ rather than banded together as At

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  17. A number of ideas have been suggested for improvements to the Assessment Conversion Matrix - add your feedback here:

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  18. Be able to enter ARE for tests for bands 8 and 9. Can currently enter range but no ARE. Entering ARE would enable analysis of these year groups.

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  19. This report would be more useful if we were able to quickly and easily switch to another pupil without re-setting report. It is time consuming currently.
    It would also be useful to be able to remove columns - for example if a school isn't using formative assessment - and to have an indication of progress. This would make it much more useful when sharing with parents.

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  20. To be able to historical enter summative Teacher Assessments and Test Scores. Currently can only add for current and previous academic year. Sometimes useful to add earlier data eg if no KS data or data not transferred in migration.

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