10 results found
A function to sort objectives by level of ARE code (ability) to help support planning
A function to sort objectives by level of ARE code (ability) to help support planning
17 votes -
All of the drop down menus stay down until you are finished selecting / deselecting.
It would be beneficial if you could make all of your selections / deselections in one go without having to repeatedly click in the menu to make it drop down, then select / deselect.
39 votes -
Venn diagram for contextual information
For example Venn diagram to filter information on how many children are EAL, SEN and PP in one class.
6 votes -
Statutory DataDashboard -
Could a filter/toggle be added to the Statutory dashboard to enable us to look at previous years outcomes, and potentially view data from previous years alongside this years etc- to enable us to see (hopefully) progression in outcomes over time.
5 votes -
Make is easier to exclude children from reports
When a school has alot of mobility they need an easy way to exclude particular children from a report. Sometimes using entry date works well but for children that leave and come back, this is not useful as the original admission date is recorded in Sonar, rather than the restored date.
In OTRack and TT there is an easy quick way to filter a report and exclude 3/4 pupils (and swap selection is useful here too).12 votesMoved to Under Review.
If this idea would be beneficial to your school, please add your vote!
Prior attainment filter
To be able to filter pupils based on prior statutory attainment. For example to be able to filter by which children achieved GLD, passed the Phonics check etc.
It is useful for schools to be able to track these key groups through the school.
This can only be done currently by making a pupil group which is static and time-consuming to create and manage.12 votesMoved to Under Review.
If this idea would be beneficial to your school, please add your vote!
Filter by Ethnicity
Required and used to have this option on Target Tracker.
18 votes -
School suggestion: Good attendance = 90%. Very good attendance = 95%. Being able to view pupils between this margin would be useful e.g. which pupils are sitting at 94.9? Currently the pupil list will populate pupils sitting within the 5% with no information on how close they are to either 90% or 95% unless you view each pupil profile individually.
3 votes -
Single pupil filter
It would be useful to be able to select an individual child when looking at reports. This would be especially helpful for EYFS settings who cannot use the Single Pupil Overview. Although this can be done by creating a group with a single child in, this isn't practical for large numbers of pupils.
4 votes -
Filter between classes and groups on Group page
Group page to allow a filter for the list to see either classes or groups separately
2 votes
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