15 results found
Staff Profiles: To have the option to chose portrait or square
Most staff profile photos are taken by a professional photographer and are typically in portrait orientation.
However, these images are often uploaded without being cropped into a square format, which can lead to important parts of the photo being cut off, such as the tops of heads.
To enhance user experience, it would be beneficial to allow users to choose whether their images fit into a square or portrait frame on the website.
This flexibility will prevent distortion and cropping issues when portrait images are forced into a square frame, while still accommodating users who have already cropped their images…
9 votes -
Admins to be able to add payment details themselves
It would be useful if administrators could add payment details themselves rather than having to send them to the support team.
It would also be beneficial for this process to be user-friendly, with clear descriptions for each payment section so that users can easily understand what information is required to set up a specific payment type.
3 votes -
Display Latest Newsletters from Newsletter Builder on Homepage
Currently, there is a feature on some website templates that allows users to upload a newsletter as a PDF attachment to a specific page on their website.
The homepage then displays a link to the latest attachment from that newsletter page, allowing visitors to click and access it directly.
It would be beneficial to add an additional feature that allows the latest newsletters created in the Newsletter Builder to pull through to the homepage.
This alternative option would provide a seamless way for visitors to view the most recent updates directly on the site.
2 votes -
Reorder Custom Data Dropdown List
Allow the custom data dropdown list to be reordered or the ability to have them in folders.
6 votes -
Improve the pop up image handling to auto adjust for different resolutions/orientations
Adjusting the pop up functionality so that any image used fits the size of the pop-up irrespective of the browser resolution/orientation.
6 votes -
Improve review email by including a direct page link
When a user submits a page/item for review, the reviewer receives an email notification.
However, the email currently lacks a direct link to the page, only providing the login link.
This means the reviewer must log in, navigate to Home > My Tasks, select the page, and click 'Review'.
It would be useful to also include a direct link to the page in the email so that if the reviewer is already logged in, they can access it immediately and begin reviewing without additional steps.
1 vote -
Staff Profiles: Preventing duplicates
We frequently receive queries about duplicate Staff, Roles, or Categories appearing on staff pages that pull data from the Staff Profiles customer form within the Custom Data drop-down.
This issue typically arises due to inconsistencies in how role or category names are entered for individual staff members.
If the role or category name is not entered exactly the same across all staff profiles, such as variations in capitalisation or the inclusion of extra spaces, the website interprets them as separate entries, resulting in what appears to be duplicate roles or categories on the staff page.
For example, if a staff…
1 vote -
Open day booking
With falling pupil numbers, schools are looking for more ways to attract families and get them booked in for open days.
Could we create a booking system for open days?
It would need to collect parent information, present available slots, and allow people to book themselves onto an open slot. It would need to send reminders, and allow the school to easily access / process the parent's data for follow ups.
2 votes -
'Custom forms cannot be edited in the admin bar'
This message is present within the EDIT menu when a user is within a Custom form under WEBSITE > Custom Data.
While this message is technically correct, it is confusing for users.
Instead of simply stating that this cannot be edited within the admin bar, we could consider a more user-friendly prompt encouraging users to scroll down the page to access the editing options for the custom form they are currently using.
We do often get queries regarding this message, so it would be beneficial for this to be addressed.
9 votes -
Warning Message When Assigning a User to Multiple Roles
User Manager
Option 1: It would be helpful if, when an administrator creates a new user account and assigns multiple roles, a warning message appears.
This message would inform the administrator that roles with lesser permissions will override those with higher permissions if multiple roles are assigned to the same user.
This would prevent confusion, as many users believe that assigning multiple roles will grant additional access, when in fact, it does the opposite.
Option 2: Alternatively, if assigning multiple roles is not necessary, the option to do so could be removed.
Given that custom categories and sub-roles are available,…
1 vote -
8 votes
Thumbnails for articles
Adding thumbnails for articles is not easy. Please improve the method used to crop and show a thumbnail attached to an article.
James2 votes -
Deleting items or attachments
Sometimes users delete items such as pages by accident because it's not very clear how to delete attachments that display at the bottom of a page/item.
It might be worth implementing a safeguard, such as prompting users to type 'DELETE PAGE' when attempting to delete a page. This same approach could apply to other items, like 'DELETE CALENDAR' or 'DELETE ARTICLE.'
This would help users better understand what they're deleting and reduce the number of support calls or tickets. Unfortunately, not all users are aware of the Instant Restore option, and many may reach out for assistance in restoring deleted…
3 votes -
Pencil(edit) icon to work as expected
When editing items within any of the Custom forms under WEBSITE > Custom Data, the pencil icon that appears on the right-hand side of the items does not function.
This can be confusing for users, as clicking the icon does not do anything, and it may not be immediately obvious that clicking on the title of the item is necessary to access the page where the item can be edited.
The pencil (edit) icon should redirect users to the page where they can edit the selected item.
1 vote -
Admissions Tools
We currently have a course booking blocking tool built by front end dev for St Peters School in Bournemouth which Northgate High have also purchased.
The idea being that schools can list all of the courses on the website and while a student applies they can choose their course and if it clashes with another it will block out the other or if they pick one which is a dual subject it automatically selects both for them.
On top of this, once they have applied, the following year on GCSE results day the school sends out an email to all…
1 vote
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