8 results found
Progress Over Time Report - Highlighting / Clicking individual School name
At the bottom of the Progress Over Time Report
When I hover my cursor over a school name
The name stays grey
My expectation may be that it highlights a different colourWhen I click the school name
The school name is crossed out and the school is removed from report
My expectation may be that by clicking, only my school is selectedIf I want to just see my school on the graph
I need to 'click' every other school to remove them
as if I nudge my cursor all the other schools appear again2 votes -
2 votes
Measuring progress from RBA rather than EYFS profile results
Jane Downes feedback:
The presentation mentioned that progress baseline is from the EYFS profile outcomes, however, schools will be held to account for the progress from their reception baseline assessment (the outcomes from which schools can’t currently access).
Whilst some trusts may wish to therefore measure progress from the profile, most schools I’m talking to seem to be continuing to measure from their KS1 outcomes for pupils who sat the baseline (current Year 2). This provides continuity and since the STA have stated that the standards will remain comparable to previous years, it is a fairly secure data set to…
1 vote -
In Pupil Overview, feature to display option to group/display different set of data.
Pupil Overview display lots of data set. Filtering option/display option to view the data e.g. If "By Year Group" is chosen view option for e.g. Ethnicity display data grouped to only ethnicity and year group.
1 vote -
Progress over time - Aut 1 may be inaccurate
In Sonar, when data is carried forward from Sum2 into Aut1, it shows as being the year group below and therefore Significantly Below. EgG.a pupil in Year 2 Sum2 is assessed as Securely At; when they start Year 3 this carries over as 2At ie significantly below.
For Trusts whose schools don't enter Aut 1 data, or until they do, their % At ARE will not be accurate. Will there be something in place to correct this?1 vote -
Primary Combined View in Diminishing Differences Reports
Primary combined view. We have Combined EYFS & Primary, Combined EYFS (GLD) and separate subjects. I'd expect to see Combined for just Primary.
1 vote -
No ethnicity as a view option in Progress Over Time
View options in Progress Over Time look different to other view options - no 'by ethnicity' view option?
1 vote -
Combined 'Above' statistic
Dashboard to include a Combined 'Above' statistic
1 vote
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