Measuring progress from RBA rather than EYFS profile results
Jane Downes feedback:
The presentation mentioned that progress baseline is from the EYFS profile outcomes, however, schools will be held to account for the progress from their reception baseline assessment (the outcomes from which schools can’t currently access).
Whilst some trusts may wish to therefore measure progress from the profile, most schools I’m talking to seem to be continuing to measure from their KS1 outcomes for pupils who sat the baseline (current Year 2). This provides continuity and since the STA have stated that the standards will remain comparable to previous years, it is a fairly secure data set to compare if tests / TA are administered in a similar way to when it was statutory. Could this be an option for pupils in Y2 and below?
To be honest, I’m convinced that once schools begin to consider that their progress will be measured from a starting point of which they are unaware, the government will start to provide some level of data to schools from the RBA, so hopefully, this would just be a short term solution.

Marked as deferred so that we can gain insight from Trusts once launched.