Progress Over Time Report - Highlighting / Clicking individual School name
At the bottom of the Progress Over Time Report
When I hover my cursor over a school name
The name stays grey
My expectation may be that it highlights a different colour
When I click the school name
The school name is crossed out and the school is removed from report
My expectation may be that by clicking, only my school is selected
If I want to just see my school on the graph
I need to 'click' every other school to remove them
as if I nudge my cursor all the other schools appear again

We are anticipating that users who are mainly only interested in their school will use the Sonar version of these reports (these dashboard reports have been designed in such a way that we will be able to replicate them in Sonar). Therefore the most common use case in Sonar Multi-School is that you are there to view your combined data so the most likely use case is to remove a single school, rather than just view a single school. So when you hover on a school it highlights the line so that you can easily see if you want to remove it. We are interested to see if this makes sense with our Trusts though and so I am marking this as deferred so that we can make sure we include it as part of the focus groups and feedback sessions.