Formative Assessment reports
Teachers would like to print reports of formative assessments made each term of the pupils - which objectives they have achieved, etc. using the colours. We used to have a report in Otrack called Depth of Knowledge by Group and Objective Assessment progress

Rebecca Littlehales commented
This is something we used in Classroom monitor. It was essential for sharing information with Parents. As an ESL school, it clearly showed where the children were in specific subject areas, breaking down individual units with detail and helped the parents to understand what the children had to do to progress.
Natalie Earnshaw commented
A school have asked for this and said it would be useful if the report would allow to show all objectives, even if not met. Particularly useful for EHCP meetings etc.
Grace Walton commented
This report is essential for the assessment system to be impactful.
Samantha Attwell commented
Yes please, this would be a big help.
Lisa Waring commented
We developed our statements so we could clearly identify where there were misconceptions or further learning was required. The report is essential in having an overview of this in order to inform future planning.
Rachel Olwage commented
Yes please. This would be a great help!
Fiona Jordan commented
This would be brilliant and all staff would like to have this as a report option. It would be great if this could be an option for all subjects. Objectives for the term across the top, children's names down the side and then the colour losenges to see how they got on. This would then allow TAs to support with catch up interventions as well as help teachers forward plan. If this could also be done for EYFS that would be great. Thanks
Tracey Halsey commented
The ability to be able to see Strands in Formative reports is really important too. Teachers and Subject Leaders need to know which areas of a subject need to be focused on to improve overall attainment.
The option to see this in Summary Mode is also useful.
Target Tracker did this well in the Statement Progress Summary report -
Tom Garbutt commented
Comment via Shenstone Lodge
The issue relates to the lack of capability for formative assessment reporting. As an SEN school, many of our children are working below ARE, therefore we require more of a breakdown in relation to their progress. It is not enough that it simply tells us what the child has achieved within the formative assessment criteria. What we need is report format that will tell us the progress between the not achieved and working towards band not just what they've achieved. At the moment I am having to individually download the pupil's formative assessment progress and work out myself the difference in percentage for summer 1 and summer 2.
An example of this is below:
Year 1 math's curriculum
First name Last name Yr group 23 -24 Sum 1 Working towards Achieved Sum 2 Working towards Difference Achieved Progress Comment
L E Year 2 9.90% 0% 20.1% 0% 0% 10.2% Intervention requiredAs you can see, although the child has hasn't 'achieved' any of the statements, they have still increased in terms of what they ar enow working towards. Obviously this would still be a concern as progress is minimum, however, if I were to only go on the formative assessment report avalable, the child would be marked as having made no progress at all, when in actual fact he has.
Tim Welch commented
Suggestion from Cedars SEND School - need to be able to choose the option to include yellow % in the calculation (weighted as a half?). This is very important to them.
Tim Welch commented
Also, compare end of year 4 to end of year 5 (Aquila) for same cohort would be very useful
Tim Welch commented
I have spoken to 10 transferring special schools that will rely on this report heavily. There are some changes that have come up in nearly all of those meetings:
1) Ability to separate the bands. (Currently it will amalgamate bands together). Need to be able to separate these and show % change in each band, ideally up to 5 or 6 at a time (only one subject).
2) Ability to include yellow or red objectives too to give you percentage covered
3) Ability to calculate as percentage of assessed objectives only (ie, of the objectives assessed, what % are they confident with?)
4) Individual graph (the one in CM works really well).Happy to explain more when you come to it.
Tracey Halsey commented
Schools often like to send a report showing all objectives achieved (and those not yet achieved) to parents as part of the end of term parent consultation. The Single Pupil Overview contains this information but it is time consuming to produce for all children for all strands in all subjects.
What is it?
We feel it is important that teachers can identify:
* which learning objectives need to be re-covered (e.g. majority of attainment was low in previous assessments)
* strengths and weaknesses at subject, strand and learning objective level
* what hasn't been covered -
charlotta.bultitude commented
We would be able to see the children making some progress and differentiate better between different groups of children.