Allow upload of AtL judgements without a grade
Schools would benefit from being able to upload attitude to learning judgements without an associated grade, particularly in KS3 where they may not have graded assessments, but it is important to track effort and other elements of learning.
James Osborne commented
At KS4 we collect an ATL grade for core PE but no attainment/predicted grade. For Combined Science we collect a single attainment/predicted grade but separate ATL grades for Bi/Ch/Ph. We have dummy subjects for these 4 and upload dummy grades (N/A) to attach ATLs to. The problem is that these grades are then included in grade overview summaries which distorts e.g. the 9-7, 9-5, 9-4. SISRA considers ATL as an ‘extra’ rather than a core function so it’s an all or nothing on the basis of the grade. i.e. if these dummy subjects are included they will be part of grade summary overviews and ATL will be available for analysis, if they are not included then they won’t. By removing the need for a grade to pin an ATL to this will no longer be a problem.
Kirstie Callaghan commented
For KS3, if you're not using graded assessments, then you could potentially add your effort scores as a grade method?