11 results found
A 'Publish All' Reports Facility
The ability to publish all reports associated with a cohort at the same time rather than having to do them individually. It is currently very time consuming to have to publish each associated report every time a student drops a subject or KS2 data is changed.
57 votes -
Comparison of headline figure across multiple years
Schools would find it beneficial to be able to compare headline figures across multiple cohorts, on the same page, at the same time. They would like to be able to view trend reports.
65 votes -
New KS3/4 Report to show quals counting in A8
Schools would benefit from a student based report detailing the qualifications counting in A8 baskets. At the moment this can be seen within individual student headlines,this new report would be a summary report with all students (filterable) listed with all quals counting. Similar to the Best 3 A Levels report in KS5.
37 votes -
Ability to re-name TAGs/CAGs Dataset
The TAGs/CAGs dataset was created to upload Teacher Assessed Grades awarded in COVID years 2020 and 2021. It is currently locked for renaming, but by now this should be renamable to give schools an additional set of data where they can upload any grades to, as this name is now irrelevant for cohorts from 2022 and later.
29 votes -
Allow upload of AtL judgements without a grade
Schools would benefit from being able to upload attitude to learning judgements without an associated grade, particularly in KS3 where they may not have graded assessments, but it is important to track effort and other elements of learning.
27 votes -
Tracker Report for KS5
Already a feature in KS3/4 reports, a Tracker report allowing schools to track performance across multiple datasets at a glance, side-by-side for a KS5 cohort.
28 votes -
Make EAPs Optional
As not all schools are using EAPs at all or just for some, mostly Unapproved qualifications, it would be useful to make these optional and allow people to select a grade method on the Matching page.
Suggestion: a toggle on the Matching page allowing users to switch it off for qualifications they are not using EAPs for.
24 votes -
Set students as having 'Dropped' qualifications in KS5
In KS3/4 cohorts it is possible to set a qualification as 'Dropped' for a student no longer taking it, so that any grades for this qualification no longer appear in the reports. For KS5, the only way to reflect this at the moment is to go through and delete all previous grades for the student in that qualification.
25 votes -
via third party authenticators
It would be useful to sign in to SISRA Analytics using a Microsoft or Google work account. This would leverage the multi-factor authientication used by these systems and make the special category personal data held in SISRA more secure.
20 votes -
The ability to compare with similar schools in Data Collaboration
Schools would benefit from being able to compare their school to similar schools, either geographically or by type (eg, grammar schools, comprehensive schools)
22 votes -
Raise the KS5 reporting threshold from 500 students?
Can we raise the KS5 reporting threshold from 500 students for 6th form colleges with high student populations. There are approx 80 sixth form colleges across the country and we only have approx 30%. Little choice in the market and it will therefore help acquisition and make customers in this cohort stickier.
1 vote
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