Pupil summary in 'School' tab
Ability to multi-select year groups on the pupil summary box in 'School' tab. For example, schools want to see contextual statistics and attendance % for two year groups at once where they have mixed classes or perhaps a whole Key Stage.
James Cooper commented
It is vital for us we are able to look at contextual data when tracking attendance such as PP, SEN etc. This feeds into the overall picture of achievement for pupils and helps to correlate barriers in certain groups.
Tracey Halsey commented
The Attendance report was very commonly used in Target Tracker. Although some of the information can be obtained from MIS, attendance - and the history of attendance - for pupils and cohorts is needed for analysing assessment.
Helen Smith commented
We would like to be able to create a report on contextual information across the school. I used it when leading Pupil Progress mettings. Target Tracker had that function, and would find it very useful to have a way of seeing all year groups side by side for direct comparison and having the ability to export this as a file.
Jenny Piccolo commented
Agree with M Lett. At the moment I have to screenshot the summary on the school tab and copy and paste it into a document for Governors.
M Lett commented
We would like to be able to create a report on contextual information across the school. This would be useful when sharing information with governors. Target Tracker had that function, but in Sonar all we have is the information box on the School tab and selecting the different year groups from the drop down box. We would find it very useful to have a way of seeing all year groups side by side for direct comparison and having the ability to export this as a file.
Beth Sparks commented
Pupil box in 'School' section to have option in drop down to select several year groups at once. Figures below to then reflect the multiple year groups selected.