Better reports to track progress through Test Scores
The ability to see the progress that children are making between and throughout the year in tests is vital for schools that use this form of assessment.
OTrack's Scores, Pupil and Attainment and Progress, for example, shows an average score for a class or year group and the change in score for each pupil.
Being able to see both Summative Assessment and test score on one report would also be useful.
Megan Shaw commented
Yes agree completely. A report showing the whole class and their summative judgements, test scores and progress all on one screen would be exactly what we need for our pupil review meetings.
Fiona Jordan commented
Yes totally agree. It would be really useful if there was a report that showed a whole class and their summative judgements along side their test scores so we can cross check them.
Anonymous commented
Also to compare 2 sets of non-statutory test scores so it's easy to track individuals who have regressed/progressed rather than just cohort-level progress in Test Performance report.
Tracey Halsey commented
This would be really valuable towards the end of KS2 - when SATs test scores over-ride Teacher Assessment and Year 6 teachers are running practice SATs tests.
Tim Welch commented
Emscote Infants and All Saints Juniors would love to have test scores available in the Matrix, to see comparison of test scores over time. Would also love to be able to compare test scores to summative assessments for moderation person.
Beth Sparks commented
New report or addition into the Assessment Conversion Matrix which allows users to compare KS1 test scores with non-statutory test scores