12 results found
Option to show or hide social share links
At the bottom of news articles, there are social media icons that allow users or visitors to quickly share the article on various platforms.
This feature makes it easier for users or visitors to share links directly to their social accounts by opening the selected platform and allowing for post customisation.
For many, this can be faster than manually copying the link and navigating to the sharing option within the platform.
That said, we've received feedback from some users who would prefer to have this sharing option hidden.
It would be useful if there were an option in the Article…
2 votes -
News Thumbnail Cropper
Currently when a user uploads a thumbnail image for a News article, the crop icon will appear as soon at the image is uploaded.
However, it is not clear to the user that they are to then click on this icon and set the crop for each of the different sections: Main, List, Home & Square.
It would better if when you upload the Thumbnail image you are prompted to go through the crop options for each of these sections before they continue with editing the article.
Additionally, when you save the article the image cropper icon will disappear, so…
13 votes -
Published date to show within news articles & blog posts
Currently, the published date for news articles appears on the News Category page (typically titled 'Latest news'), where an overview of all articles is displayed.
However, once users click into an individual article via the 'Read More' link, the date is not shown within the article itself.
Adding the published date at the top of each article perhaps just below the heading would make it clear when the information was posted.
This would be especially helpful if older articles appear in search engine results, as users could quickly assess whether the content is outdated.
The same improvement could be applied…
3 votes -
Archive folder on screen
Want to create a archive folder within newsletters to allow only this academic year newsletters to show, but still give access to the older newsletters
3 votes -
Being able to pick News Header image from file explorer without needing to upload each time
Being able to pick News Header image from file explorer without needing to upload each time
1 vote -
add shared news to premium predesigned templates
Please add shared news functionality to the premium predesigned templates.
We have a lot of interest in this design option from smaller MATs and the lack of this feature (and lack of multi-pin maps) holds us back.
1 vote -
The ability to hide the 'Published by' name on an article or blog post
Having the option to hide who published a particular article or blog post has been requested by clients who do not wish for their name to be visible publicly.
7 votes -
Bulk delete of Newsletters and Latest News
The ability to delete old content in bulk instead of one at a time. Also improve the archive facility on these
9 votes -
Twitter Icon
The customer has noticed that the option to share news stories on other platforms still has the old Twitter icon.
Is it possible to update this on future developments to the new X icon for Twitter?
2 votes -
Mass archive of news stories
Historically news stories were not archived - we now want to go back and archive on mass.
4 votes -
move tools that appear when hovering over a row in Newsletter so they don't cover right aligned text
Tools appear over text I am trying to edit in newsletter
1 vote -
Enable mass/multiple delete of News Stories/Articles by resident site Admin
Site admin would be able to manage this task indepndently at request of senior leadership without having to put in a ticket.
2 votes
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