Improve the Assessment Conversion Matrix
A number of ideas have been suggested for improvements to the Assessment Conversion Matrix - add your feedback here:

Tracey Halsey commented
When displaying the report with names added, the pupils' names appear twice - one in the 'Total' column in the 'From' section and once in the relevant cell in the 'To' section. This makes each row much deeper than it needs to be and less easy to view. It would be helpful to have an option to hide names to condense this report.
Beth Sparks commented
Majority of schools using Targets are setting a 'Summer 2' target. It would be helpful to be able to jump ahead to summer 2 on the drop down in Ass Conversion Matrix report to allow schools to make comparisons with end of year Targets.
Keith Williams commented
When using the Primary and EYFS Conversion Matrix reports the colours used are confusing. Please can you revisit them and provide guidance on screen about how to interpret them.
What is it?
The ability to measure progress for children from EYFS 2012 in the Assessment Conversion Matrix Report. This report currently only allows you to select ELG 2020 however pupils in years 1-6 have ELG2012 data
Rebecca McCready commented
Only Y1 have statutory ELG 2020 data as prior to that ELG 2012 data was stored
Lisa Hibbert commented
See data in one report. Useful for sharing with Govs and Inspectors as well as for class teachers in performance management.
Katie Poole commented
SLT, teachers (based on conversations with schools during training)