Admissions Tools
We currently have a course booking blocking tool built by front end dev for St Peters School in Bournemouth which Northgate High have also purchased.
The idea being that schools can list all of the courses on the website and while a student applies they can choose their course and if it clashes with another it will block out the other or if they pick one which is a dual subject it automatically selects both for them.
On top of this, once they have applied, the following year on GCSE results day the school sends out an email to all students that have applied to complete a form confirming they have met the grade and that they would like to apply. The school then has to collate all these and send out seperate email to their parents for parental consent. The issue with this is that they often have a large number of students and 4-5 days to complete this task.
We have come up with an enrolment solution with our forms function which will allow the school to send out the email to the students, they will complete the info inc parents info and when they submit the form, it will actually not submit the form but then go to the parents email for them to complete their part and once they are complete it submits the form of which they can download a CSV and upload into their MIS for example.
Also, the forms function can send an email reminder for those not completed.
My thoughts are we look to create an admissions add-on tool that brings all this together as a stand alone product which can be purchased rather than put together by front end dev every time and schools can look to purchase this for an annual subscription. Their are products out there which say they do this which schools pay an annual subscription top however they don't do it all.
If we were to do this we could offer this as an option to all of our Secondary Schools with Sixth Form and Sixth Form colleges so it will increase their ARR. It will also help us win more business at a higher ARR.
Any questions, please let me know. (Apologies for the long winded content).