Primary attainment overview - change half-term view
Option to switch between different half-terms/terms in the primary attainment overview

Tracey Halsey commented
This was raised by Helen Springett at DGAT at the beginning of Autumn. Other than Statutory Data, they cannot analyse last year's data. This is crucial for schools and Trusts alike.
Louise commented
This is so important for us. Surely it should show latest data? the old version did. In effect this product does not show anything for the full Autumn term until schools put their Autumn Assessments in. I have no way of accessing end of summer previous Trust overall figures, which is the whole point of us having MULTI?
I'd like to gather feedback from trusts about how useful seeing previous data is to them before implementing this and so have marked as deferred so that we know to investigate it through focus groups and feedback once launched.